Friday, March 26, 2010

Aang little difference in the film The Last Airbender Later

There is little difference between Aang on the cartoon series Avatar The Last Airbender, and the film entitled The Last Airbender. Differences were found on the arrows located on the body.

Well, if we look at the arrow in his head, his motive innocent. In contrast to the The Last Airbender Movie, arrow striped, hmm what? to more clearly see in the picture.
Well, the difference of the two also are on the lines to do with the arrows are. The difference is first in line is also the motive, but let you see Screenshot The Last Airbender at the bottom, was the line the arrow on his back on The Last Airbender Movie not only straight but terdapa also outline additional so it looks like (sorry) the sign of the cross.


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